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16 Aug

A Little Sad

Publicado por Sumino Hikage



Saturday 13

Today i woke up, I showered and I got a walk with my dog Tana and my mother. At home I've been playing with the DS, I went out for a while and I've been with the computer.At afternoon I went out with Tana and my mother and then I started to watch my videos I uploaded to youtube.
At night I went to Muntanyeta and on her way I saw some friends who were there that were going somewhere else and then I was sad. Still, I went to Muntanyeta if someone was still there .... and behind, called by whistles, came the boy from the guitar.
I was happy enough and spent some time up there having fun and soon we went to the fair but the only bad thing is that I had to go to 20 minutes and had to leave running.
PD: Before going to the fair,the boy guitar wanted me to accompany home and when I told him that I dont go home he be surprised and happy


Sunday 14

When I got up as usual, had breakfast, I showered, I got braids, etc.
Take the dog with my mother (she dont ever leave me alone TT)
and in the afternoon I went to the computer and take Tana for a walk alone (uff finally) In Muntanyeta were almost all my friends and talking about their things and hear at any given time 'Carla Are you still here? "
I was surprised and a little later the boy guitar came
A half hour the guy who has injured his leg fell off, I called his girlfriend and we help he. In the end there was nothing but we get a fright ....
The boy guitar take his mobile (Iphone is like a large) and put a song (I do not remember which but I will say that I can take it) and when I had to go I realized that maybe the evening did not come .
Then I went home and that night I went out with my mother. The most surprising thing was that she let me to be with my friends until 12! O_O
At one point I tried grass (which is smoked) I almost immediately came to me and I was happy with the feeling.

I went home, I was reading and went to bed at 1 o'clock  I think

PD: if you smoke weed do not have to concentrate on anything, you have to do things to not think about it


Monday 15

Today I made the usual noon just in my mother told me I might let out alone tonight and in the afternoon I saw the movie `CardCaptorSakura: The Movie '
And at night I went with the dog but had to return at the half hour TT when I get home my mother smells and looks at me my eyes and take a sermon that I do and I should not do

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<br /> Como mola leer muntanyeta!!<br />
<br /> <br /> "Hay una ley de vida, cruel y exacta, que afirma que uno debe crecer o, en caso contrario, pagar más por seguir siendo el mismo" N. Mailer<br /> <br /> <br /> Hay mucha gente que le teme al cambio por que creen convertirce en una persona diferente. El cambio no significa volverse diferente sino "mejor"<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

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