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20 Mar

Strange Day

Publicado por Yukina's Himuro Writing in Sumino's Hikage Blog

374282 317160878302525 100000258460300 1197636 687931593 nTuesday 20

Tomorrow the Spring comes! Yay! But today was very strange.

I woke up and I have a shower, when I came out to have a walk with my dog Tana, we were waiting for the bread (to buy it) and when I take it the bread was...hot!!! And very delicious.

When I was going to school, I waited for a friend and he didnt came (he came more latelly) and I was going with another classmate.

So, in school, in Catalan, we watch the exam and have the global note (a 3,3 in the exam; 4 in global), in English, we were talking about a trip. And In Biology we were doing new unit and new ac¡tivities.

In Break I was Hugging Ivan and walking on the school 'cause we were bored.

In Maths, we correct some exercises, and decide which day we done the exam recuperation. In CMC, we watch a video and we had the global note (I have a 7) and in Chemistry I havent done some exercises 'cause I havent understand them so I asked to the teacher if she can help me. She helps me and now I understand it.

I came back to home with Ivan and later, after have lunch I went back to school to have class...we were correcting the Physics exam and doing exercises.

Out of school was windy and rainy so...this night rains....

And well, this day was little exciting so maybe tomorrow ill be fine..today all my body hurts.. ¬¬

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Adentraos lectores incautos en un mundo imaginario,fansasioso, duro, feliz, amargo y realista. Mis textos abarcan muchos temas. Así que, queridos lectores, os invito a leerme. [Actualización 30/01/18] Blog cerrado, pero sin borras las entradas. Me mudo a otro blog dado que aquí la etapa está cerrada.