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08 Sep


Publicado por Sumino Hikage


You stand in front of a mirror and you see your reflection. A copy of your image like a photo or video. A reflection that copy your movements and actions. A reflection ... empty.

A mirror with no personality and life.

I dont like to see me in my own soul reflection in the mirror. Because the worst of seeing into a soul is loneliness and suffering accumulated.

The irresistible urge to scream, rebel and free and can not do it because you're chained to the opinion and allegiance of your family and friends ....

And find that place, one where you free yourself to exhaustion and off steam ... Run, jump and do whatever you want as long as your soul free

 But more we want to find that place, it is very difficult to achieve ..... but get to know ourselves and maybe something more ...


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<br /> The mirror reflects your poor life<br />
<br /> <br /> The reflection i the mirror give fear<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

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