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29 Aug


Publicado por Sumino Hikage


The music is incredible. According to our mood, we hear pop, pop / rock, trance, electronica, Japanese, English, anime series, video games or movies ....

And hear it motivates us, moves us and we like. And if someone does not like it, do not listen to what we like to criticize and not to mess with us

The music helps us to externalize our emotions or we simply calm or excite us. It also helps to understand some situations.

As I said before music is relaxing or exciting but there are also those who mourn, or make you laugh, make your hair stand on end or sleep.

Because the real magic lies in music, which is capable of reaching even the coldest heart ...


This is a Song that make me fly (LOL) I like so much that video so please watch it!!

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<br /> listening the music of the video<br />
<br /> Soo! a good song<br />

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Adentraos lectores incautos en un mundo imaginario,fansasioso, duro, feliz, amargo y realista. Mis textos abarcan muchos temas. Así que, queridos lectores, os invito a leerme. [Actualización 30/01/18] Blog cerrado, pero sin borras las entradas. Me mudo a otro blog dado que aquí la etapa está cerrada.