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06 Feb


Publicado por Sumino Hikage

http://animeok2.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/kimi_ni_todoke_ep05_08.jpgMonday 6

Well, today I woke up and I study Biology. Later, when I went to school, I was studying Biology again in Castilian. Later, we had the exam but.....we dont do it!!! In theory, one of a high student cames to our class to teach us about something...I dond remember what was..... but, finally, he didnt come.... LOL

And in P.E, we do a theatrical representation and well...we had a 8 =) and well, in break, I go out and my friend ''Red Cross Volunterr'' fells ill but she dont come to home. In Maths, we done new theme and...we are confused!!!

And in Physiscs, we done exercises and the techer gave us the nothe of the recuperation exam of the 1rs term..... I dindnt pass, only 7 of 15......... a classmate, who iddnt pass, was very sad..and he cries.........SHOCK

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