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22 May

Day....Bored or Interesting?

Publicado por Yukina's Himuro Writing in Sumino's Hikage Blog

295507 257452217606725 100000258460300 990663 1966590 nToday in class werent many people. So we done nothing on the first hour. On Second hour, nothing too. Only I studied Phylosophy and Maths. On Biology, I went to the library to check internet. Later, on break, I accompanied D to his home to check something.Later break,we done Maths (some classmates came too) and when the class finishes, these classmates go out). On CMC,  the teacher didnt came o.o! So we were alone all the hour. And the ''skater'' starts to spoke about something and I got angry TT. Later, on Chemistry, we done exercises. When the school finishes, we go to home. On home, I get lunch and I saw 'Detective Conan' *¬* When I take a walk with the dog, I was walking and, when I came back to home, I went to the library :D

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Adentraos lectores incautos en un mundo imaginario,fansasioso, duro, feliz, amargo y realista. Mis textos abarcan muchos temas. Así que, queridos lectores, os invito a leerme. [Actualización 30/01/18] Blog cerrado, pero sin borras las entradas. Me mudo a otro blog dado que aquí la etapa está cerrada.