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28 May

Good Start

Publicado por Yukina's Himuro Writing in Sumino's Hikage Blog

b0100944 4cf060d77e7c0In these days (exactily on that weekend) I was thinking. The happiness isnt in the things like money or something like that...it is inside if you. Now I know it. I wont accept that that emotion falls me in a sadness. So..its time to smileee :)

Well, in that weekend, I was happy and fine. On Saturday, as the same, on my grandparents home. And on Saturday evening, I was playing the Ds and watching a TV serie ♥ On Sunday, I woke up sleepy and I was drawing and reading. On Monday I havent school and I was studying and watching the TV

Ive watched a film of ''Detective conan''!!!!! I love it so muuch ♥ On the evening, I stay in the library.

So.. I start well the week :D

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