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12 Feb

Nervous Day

Publicado por Yukina's Himuro Writing in Sumino's Hikage Blog

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_JpQ_OxsgtXA/TUbwVED90tI/AAAAAAAAAdA/-tP3p4zbsSc/s1600/281181137897620_l_anime352%255B1%255D.jpgMonday 13

Uff Today I woke up so early..and I went to sleep again. I feel tired but not so much that last weekend...and today I have Physics exam...

well, in school I was looking Physics in Catilian and in Biology (in Biology the teacher was ill) and in P.E we were doing exercises.

Later, in Maths, we done exercises and correct them and comes the exam.

I WAS NERVOUS!!! But at all, was little easy..one exercise maybe I done it so well (I though) but I dont know...and in English we were reading somethin about shops.

And I wrote another history!!! it have many chapters so..I been uploading them! ♥

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Adentraos lectores incautos en un mundo imaginario,fansasioso, duro, feliz, amargo y realista. Mis textos abarcan muchos temas. Así que, queridos lectores, os invito a leerme. [Actualización 30/01/18] Blog cerrado, pero sin borras las entradas. Me mudo a otro blog dado que aquí la etapa está cerrada.