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15 Feb

Non doing work today

Publicado por Yukina's Himuro Writing in Sumino's Hikage Blog

3087677935 09dbf10966Wednesday 15

Whem I woke up, I got a shower and I have breakfast. Later I prepare my sandwich of Nocilla *¬* And when I went to school, we have to done a Book exam but the teacher didnt appears...so we havent done the exam.

Later, we done exercises and the etachers havent yet the nothe aboput the exams..uf

In brak, we go outside and we were listening to music. In Biology, we done homework and in Phylosophy, we take nothes.

In afternoon, I gone to the destist. I feel little tired...maybe the menstruation will come

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Adentraos lectores incautos en un mundo imaginario,fansasioso, duro, feliz, amargo y realista. Mis textos abarcan muchos temas. Así que, queridos lectores, os invito a leerme. [Actualización 30/01/18] Blog cerrado, pero sin borras las entradas. Me mudo a otro blog dado que aquí la etapa está cerrada.