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16 Feb

The Suppotition Was Right

Publicado por Yukina's Himuro Writing in Sumino's Hikage Blog

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_YOhPbwW5-Es/TF7Cyv0vEYI/AAAAAAAAABM/nkQQTrscHVo/s1600/manga-7.jpgThursday 16

Yes, my suppotition was right. The menstruation has came TT Uff I dont like it!!! ¬¬

Well...this night I havent sleep well, I woke up several times.. u.u'' Nad when I went to school it hurt me the belly and I take a Paracetaml for the hurt.

In class, I was in bad humor but, lately, before break,my humos goes to hhapy. In Chemistry, we done a practise on laboratory and well, it goes well n.n

In Physics, we were doing exercises and...I have done all of them correct! And in Maths..well, we correct exercises and started a new unit.

On afternoon, I went to school to take reinforçement and we done exercises of Physics and Maths.

I have done all of them well!! Non-helped!

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