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24 May

Sleepy and..Sad?

Publicado por Yukina's Himuro Writing in Sumino's Hikage Blog

Konachan.com - 128971 sampleUf today at first hour I didn't go to school 'cause I was tired. When I came to school,I was in Biology doing exercises. On CMC, we done a questions that we use in the exam (but not all the questions.) On break, I was on the library. In Chemistry, we were doing activities and in Physics, the same. On Maths, we done a new knowledge and it entry in the exam of tomorrow!! arg!

So, when I went to home, I lunch and go to the reinforcement. When I went to the library and connect to internet...I saw a photo that..makes me cry...I mean...I was with one boy but I discovered that..that boy is with other girl! :( I want to cry...


And the hand that caress my cheek..never touch me again...

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